Film Review
The Marvel Film Franchise is best known for their epic
installments within the superhero film genre as they create their own little cinematic
universe based around the Marvel comic book characters. The one thing that
Marvel appears to have going good for them is how they can tell such enticing stories
that are all connected to one another and create such a large universe of
characters that it has most actors in Hollywood wanting to become a part of the
cast. One of their fairly recent films to become a blockbuster Guardians of The Galaxy which is about a
ragtag band of antiheros with no powers try to save the galaxy from conquest
hungry alien that wants to destroy every planet that tries to defy him. However,
this formula sounds very similar to another Marvel film that they probably used
as a model for Guardians called The
Avengers. The Avengers was
Marvels first attempt have multiple protagonists in a film and it was great
success with just a few minor flaws. Unlike some other films that attempted to
have multiple leading roles like
Spiderman 3 which due to poor character development led to its commercial
downfall, The Avengers having already
created in depth character development in each of the lead protagonists origin
movies allowed for each heroes to develop further and create bonds with one
another as they strive towards a common goal. While this gender friendly film
having both male leads from Iron Man to Thor and female leads such as Black Widow
had created an image for everyone to enjoy, and this idea was also transferred over
into Guardians of The Galaxy having a
mixed gendered cast, but unlike The
Avengers, Guardians appears to have an greater appeal to the masses for it
depicts that you don’t have to have powers to in order to be super you just have
to be yourself and do the right thing every once in a while. As a whole the
film The Avengers is for sure must
have for any film buffs home cinema library with its stunning CGI and story to
its almost perfect editing even to the lighting with its gel enhancements, so
that it can have crisp high definition look. The film may not have any
emotional flashbacks like Guardians did in order to create character and plot
development, but instead it created a window of opportunity for Marvel as whole
showing that they have the capability of creating an expanding universe. As
film critic Tom Charity for CNN had stated “Never underestimate the entertainment
value of the Hulk Smash” and this description couldn’t be any more accurate for
it’s always a blast to watch if you enjoy the genre. If you ever have the
chance to see the film in IMAX I would recommend it, but watching it at home is
always just as entertaining.
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